F-1 and J-1 students may work on campus for 20 hours per week during the fall and spring semester. During the summer and official university breaks, international students may work more than 20 hours per week.
Students who are searching for on campus employment should look at the Hire a Longhorn job bank. However, there are many types of employment advertised on this site. Please look only at part-time, on campus employment. Students can also find on campus jobs by going directly to offices on campus and inquiring if they are hiring part-time student employees. Many positions will require students to submit a resume and cover letter. For help developing a resume or cover letter, students can contact their school or college’s career center. Additionally, here are some resume tips for international students from the Engineering Career Assistance Center.
Acceptable On-campus Employment:
- Any position on campus, 20 hours per week or less, which is paid by UT Austin
- A position in a store or restaurant on campus where employees provide a direct service to students (ex: Starbucks, Wendy’s, University Co-Op)
Unacceptable Employment for International Students:
- An on campus position which is more than 20 hours per week during the fall and spring semester
- A position on campus which is paid through an employer other than UT where student employees are not providing a direct service to students (ex: work for a construction or IT company doing a job on campus)
- Any off-campus employment
International student advisors can meet with students by appointment to discuss employment options. Happy job hunting!