If you’re leaving The University of Texas at Austin or the US permanently after the fall 2013 semester, you might be curious about what tax steps you should complete now, before you leave. Here are a few pointers to prepare for tax season:
- Only students and scholars who received US-sourced funding (grants, scholarships, income, etc.) in 2013 are required to file taxes. If you are a nonresident alien for tax purposes who did not receive income, you’ll only need to fill out the form 8843 stating that you were in the US.
- Keep your permanent address and email address up-to-date in UT Direct. This way, you will receive important emails about the tax processes and the university will be able to send your tax documents to the appropriate address.
- You will not receive the tax documents necessary to file nonresident alien taxes until late January through mid-March. Please do not attempt to file taxes until you receive a form W-2 and/or form 1042-S.
- Nonresident aliens for tax purposes cannot file taxes online. Therefore, even if you are using GLACIER Tax Prep, you will still need to print and mail your taxes to the IRS processing center from your home country.
Feel free to contact International Student & Scholar Services if you do not receive an email with tax guidance by late January or believe you did not receive required tax forms by mid-March.