Today is World Health Day, and this year’s focus is on putting an end to the rapid rise of diabetes around the world. Diet choices are an important part of diabetes prevention, so here are a few tips to help make the healthy choice the easy choice:
Quick and affordable ways to eat healthier
- When grocery shopping, make a list and stick to it! There are also some helpful apps geared toward grocery shopping.
- Choose fresh or frozen foods over canned foods
- Stick to the edges of the grocery store. Many healthy, whole foods are often on the outside edges of the super-market. More processed and calorie-dense foods tend to be displayed on the inside aisles.
- Replace dessert with fruit. Check out these ideas for some inspiration.
Eating healthy at home
- Serve your meals on smaller plates.
- Pre-plan your meals. Get started with the ideas on this website.
Eating healthy when dining out
- Check the menu before you leave home.
- Don’t drink your calories! Skip the fancy drinks and drink water throughout your meal. Water not only keeps you hydrated, but contributes to your energy level and healthy skin.
- There are plenty of healthy dining places in Austin to explore.
If you have nutritional questions or would simply like assistance in generating a healthier lifestyle plan, take advantage of licensed nutritionist, dietitians, mindful eating programs, and nutritional peer-led workshops offered by University Health Services.