Greetings International Students!
Can you help with my research?!?!?
My name is Wes Hansen and I am a PhD candidate in the Communication Studies Department at the University of Minnesota. I am conducting research on the interpersonal relationships and communication behaviors of international undergraduate students in the US, and I am inviting you to participate. Actually, I REALLY NEED your support! Please consider! Research like this cannot be done without you!
My survey:
- Is confidential
- Can be accessed through a mobile phone
- Takes between 20-30 minutes to complete
- Stimulating & reflective questions of your time in the U.S.
Direct Survey Link: International Student Relationships Survey
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
Thank you for your attention and support in this research!
Regards from Minnesota!
Wesley (Wes) D. Hansen, M.A.
PhD Candidate & Dissertation Fellow
University of Minnesota –Twin Cities
Department of Communication Studies