How much good could you do in one afternoon? Last Saturday, thirteen Foundation Year students tried to answer this question by volunteering with The Project—UT’s Largest Day of Service. Sponsored by the King Abdullah University of Science & Technology in Saudi Arabia, the Foundation Year program helps prepare Saudi students for success at top U.S. universities through intercultural exchange, customized courses, and leadership development.
Every year, The Project brings together hundreds of volunteers at sites across Austin to see how much positive impact UT students can make in the community on a single day. After an inspiring kick-off event with speeches from the Austin Police Department, AISD superintendent Dr. Paul Cruz, and Texas House Representative Gina Hinojosa, the Foundation Year students got to work. One team helped beautify Dobie Middle School by painting and mulching, while another group canvassed the surrounding neighborhood to promote an upcoming community park day.
Overall, The Project gave Foundation Year students the opportunity to learn about servant leadership, and gave UT students the chance to work side-by-side with students from across the globe—all while doing a lot of good in one afternoon!