Greetings International Students & Scholars!
Applications are once again open for the Friendship Program kicking off this Fall for the 2019-2020 Academic year.
What is it?
The Friendship Program facilitates connections between members of the Austin community with international students & scholars. Hosts and their match(es) commit to gather once a month for an activity such as preparing a family dinner, going on a hike, attending a concert, doing community service, or exploring some nearby city attractions. The program is not just for international students and individual scholars. If you are an international scholar with a family, you can request to be matched with a family based in Austin!

The Friendship Program facilitates the matching process by organizing applications, providing potential matches based on preferences and hobbies, and sponsors a kick-off event at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters for matches to meet and mingle. Throughout the rest of the semester, expect a monthly newsletter featuring updates from other hosts and their matches, ideas for activities around Austin and a fun fact or recipe submitted by participants.
Why sign up?
Next to traveling, sharing your own culture with someone from a different country may be the best way to experience and understand the world. Every gathering amongst friends highlights the ways in which

we, as citizens of the world, are different and the same. Hosts have the opportunity to meet people from across the world and help them feel welcome in their new home. International students and scholars will meet members of the community who help acquaint them with the city and the many facets of Texan and U.S. culture. This is not only an exciting learning opportunity, but also the foundation for lifelong friendships.
Guidelines and Requirements
· May be a single person, a couple, or a family, and affiliated with UT as a student, visiting scholar, or faculty member
· Must have the intention to remain in the program for one semester or one school year once matched
· Must be willing to engage in activity with your Community Host on a monthly basis
· Be willing to keep an open mind, engage in new experiences, and to share your own culture and traditions
Important Dates
September 1, 2019 Applications close
September 18, 2019 Kick-off event for matches
November 28, 2019 Thanksgiving: Friendship Hosts and UT faculty & staff (who are able) invite 2-3 students or scholars to a Thanksgiving meal
December 2, 2019 – January 31, 2019 Submissions open for match changes, and for continuing your program involvement in Spring 2020
Apply Now!
Find out more and apply online here.
Questions? Contact intercultural@austin.utexas.edu by email, subject line: “Friendship Program Fall 2019”