FosterQuan, an immigration law firm with offices in Austin, published a recent article about immigration scams that target H-1B employees in particular, as well as other foreign nationals. We thought it was important information to share with our international population at UT. The article mentions the following tactics used by… read more
Test-taking Tips and Coping with Test Anxiety
Students in the UT Austin KAUST Foundation Year Program have been busy taking SAT and TOEFL exams this month. To prepare for the exams, they attended a Test Preparation and Test Anxiety Workshop developed by the UT Sanger Learning Center. Here are some tips they found most helpful: Don’t cram.… read more
Bem-vindos(as) ao Brazil Center! (Welcome to the Brazil Center!)
The Brazil Center at UT Austin will celebrate 20 years in 2015! Read the message below from Carla Silva-Muhammad, the Center’s coordinator, to learn more about their exciting upcoming events, field research opportunities, and grants. Please accept our warmest welcome to the Brazil Center of the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American… read more
Dropping classes and maintaining status
Tuesday, November 4, is the last day an undergraduate student can withdraw from the university or drop a class, with the dean’s approval. It is also the last day that an undergraduate student may change registration for a class to a pass/fail basis. If you’re thinking about dropping a class,… read more
Last Week of UHS Flu Shot Clinics
Don’t miss your chance to get a flu shot here on campus at the following UHS Flu Shot Clinics: Tuesday, October 21, Student Services Building (SSB G1.310), Noon – 4pm Wednesday, October 22, Facilities Services Complex (FC1 1.118), 1pm – 4pm Thursday, October 23, Student Services Building (SSB G1.310), Noon… read more
Trinity University Lecture: Helping International Students Find Jobs
Dan Beaudry, a former recruiting manager and author of the book Power Ties, will give advice to international students on how to find the best opportunity to secure a job in the United States. Beaudry will present “Power Ties” at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 27, in the Coates University Center Fiesta… read more
International Voices: The Power of Conversation
This post is a part of our weekly International Voices column, writing by UT students, for UT students. Enjoy! From the lady in line at the grocery store, to the new student you met in class, to the musician at the bus stop, to the exchange scholar at an ISSS… read more
International Voices: Surviving Midterms 101
This post is part of our weekly International Voices column, writing by UT students, for UT current and prospective students. Enjoy! So it’s that time in the semester where the first round of midterms begins and all you want to do is curl up in your warm, comfortable bed and never leave.… read more
Tuition Award Opportunity: Spring General Financial Aid
Spring General ISSS Financial Aid Applications are now available. This financial need-based award (worth up to $2,500) is applied directly onto the summer tuition bill. Please note that the award amount cannot exceed the tuition bill balance. Students who have experienced a recent change in their financial status or are not… read more
Texas Excursion: Sweet Berry Farm
Registration for the excursion to Sweet Berry Farm is now open online! Join us on Saturday, October 18th, for fall fun where you can pick your pumpkin from the pumpkin patch, have fun in a corn maze, and enjoy delicious fall treats. Pack a picnic and make new friends while… read more