The International Office’s 4th Annual International Wellness Fest will be an opportunity to celebrate International Education Week and to connect students with health & wellness resources in and around campus. Did you know that we will have some resources for your dependents (spouse and/or children) as well? Here are a… read more
health resources
4th Annual International Wellness Fest!
Mark your calendars, and join us for International Wellness Fest 2017 on Monday, November 13! Look out for a series of upcoming blog posts highlighting some of our partners over the next few weeks. Questions? Email to find out more.
IO Health Fair: Stressbuster Playlist Live
Thank you to everyone who attended Wednesday’s Your Journey, Your Health Fair! We hope you had fun and gained some useful information about health resources on campus. An especially big thank you goes out to everyone who contributed song/artist recommendations for our Spotify playlist. You can now access the IO Stressbuster Playlist,… read more