ISSS staff members are thrilled to announce the winners of the International Voices blogging contest for 2014-2015! We welcome four student bloggers who will share their stories as international students in the UT Austin community. We are excited to follow them as they record their thoughts and experiences this year.… read more
international voices
Be a Blogger for ISSS
Share your voice and get paid to write! The deadline for the International Voices blogging contest is 5 pm April 11. Please click the image above for more information. Send in your contest entries soon!
Be a Blogger for ISSS: International Voices Contest
Share your voice and get paid to write! International Student & Scholar Services is recruiting international students and scholars to tell their story of living, studying, and working in Austin. ISSS staff members are seeking undergraduate, graduate, and exchange students, as well as visiting J-1 scholars, to write a monthly… read more