U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers are now required to verify that every international student who enters the U.S. in F-1 and J-1 status has a valid SEVIS record. This means that students in F or J status, as well as dependents, will go through secondary inspection when entering the… read more
travel reminders
Traveling During the Summer? What to Know Before You Go!
If you are an international student or scholar and plan to travel this summer, be sure that you have the appropriate immigration documents. Review Your I-20 or DS-2019 Don’t forget to check your I-20/DS-2019 for a valid travel signature: Look at page 3 of the I-20 (F-1 students) or page… read more
Spring Break Travel: Are you prepared?
Are you traveling during Spring Break? Make sure that you have the appropriate immigration documents. Review Your I-20 or DS-2019 Don’t forget to check your I-20/DS-2019 for a valid travel signature: Look at page 3 of the I-20 (F-1 students) or page 1 of the DS-2019 (J-1 students/scholars) and check… read more