Are you an F-1 student interested in gaining work experience after completing your degree? If so, you should consider applying for Post-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT). OPT allows students in valid F-1 status to gain up to 12 months of work experience in their field of study. We recommend that you… read more
Award Opportunity: Spring General ISSS Financial Aid
Spring General ISSS Financial Aid Applications are now available. This is a $2,500 financial need-based award that goes directly onto the spring tuition bill. Please note that the award amount cannot exceed the tuition bill balance. Students who have experienced a recent change in their financial status or are not receiving… read more
UT’s Counseling and Mental Health Center Announces Suicide Prevention Week 2013
Suicide is considered to be the second leading cause of death for college students. That’s why the Counseling and Mental Health Center is organizing UT’s annual Suicide Prevention Week (September 23-27). This week is focused on raising awareness about suicide and engaging students, faculty and staff in suicide prevention. All… read more
Curricular Practical Training for F-1 Students
If you are an F-1 student wanting to do an internship or job at an off-campus location, remember that you need work authorization before beginning employment. Most often, this work authorization comes from Curricular Practical Training (CPT). CPT is temporary employment authorization directly related to an F-1 student’s academic program,… read more
On-Campus Employment Reminder
F-1 and J-1 students may work on campus for 20 hours per week during the fall and spring semester. During the summer and official university breaks, international students may work more than 20 hours per week. Students who are searching for on campus employment should look at the Hire a Longhorn job… read more
Donor Spotlight: Society of Iranian-American Women for Education
“How am I going to pay for my higher education?” This common question is especially prevalent among international students who generally pay out-of-state tuition and are not eligible to apply for federal and state financial aid. Nonprofit corporations, like The Society of Iranian-American Women for Education (SIAWE), help support the… read more
Insurance Presentation Monday, Aug. 26
We invite you to attend “Medical Insurance in the U.S.” this Monday, Aug. 26 in Avaya Auditorium (POB 2.302) from 9-11 a.m. This practical, hands-on presentation will prepare you to seek health care when you need it – without paying more than you should. Come hear representatives from International Student & Scholar… read more
Campus Involvement Opportunity: Student Conduct Board
Beginning this fall, students charged with academic violations will have the option of taking their cases to the Student Conduct Board. This option will be in addition to the three traditional processes of faculty disposition, administrative disposition and hearing officer. The Student Conduct Board offers the opportunity for students to… read more
In Absentia Graduation and Immigration Implications
Graduating “In Absentia” means that you will complete your degree requirements as a non-registered student. For instance, you complete your thesis after the summer semester submission deadline but before Fall classes begin. You then apply for in absentia graduation: you will not be a student at UT Austin Fall semester,… read more
New International Student Orientation on Friday, August 16
A BIG TEXAS WELCOME to all our new international students who will begin their studies at the university in the Summer/Fall 2013! To help you get settled, our office provides a number or orientation events where you will have the opportunity to learn about the various resources and services that… read more