Growing up in a swath of India that reaches from Mumbai through Rajasthan to New Delhi, UT junior Aryan Bhalla’s move to Texas meant his first time in the United States. Austin’s reputation as a lively city and UT’s reputation as a campus full of ambitious people compelled Bhalla to apply… read more
International Office Open House, Friday April 8 2016
Join us Friday, April 8, from 2:00-5:00 pm, for an exclusive tour of food, entertainment, and fun from around the world! Network with students, faculty, staff, and community members as you learn more about the programs, special projects, and services that make us one of the nation’s leading innovators in… read more
International Groups Around Town
As the semester ends, and you head home or enjoy the holidays in Austin, you may be wondering how you can get more involved in your community when the new semester resumes. Austin is a growing international city, and gets more diverse on a daily basis! Accordingly, more groups are… read more
Discovering the Joy of Giving: KAUST Foundation Year Students Volunteer at the UT Project
On Saturday, February 28th, the KAUST Foundation Year students volunteered with The Project, an event organized by the University of Texas at Austin. The Project partnered volunteers with local residents to complete beautification projects throughout the Austin community. Although the cold, rainy weather threatened to cancel the event, the KAUST… read more