The spring 2019 Insurance Waiver deadline is coming up! ***Please note that due to an update in our waiver system, all waivers will require 24 hours for the tuition and fee bill to update.*** The deadline to submit your waiver for the spring semester is MONDAY FEBRUARY 4, 2019 by… read more
health insurance waiver deadline
Reminder: Summer 2018 Insurance Waiver Deadline
If you have graduated in the spring 2018 semester (Congratulations!), you may choose to waive enrollment in the summer student health insurance plan coverage using the Verification of Graduation (PDF) waiver request from. Submit the waiver request form via the insurance secure document uploader. The submission deadline is June 11… read more
June 5th: Summer Insurance Deadlines
Please be aware of these important insurance deadlines coming up on June 5th for the summer semester: Summer waivers for graduate students with insurance through a TA/AI/GRA assignment. Be sure to request an online waiver of the summer student insurance if you will have TA/AI/GRA insurance over the summer. Note that TA… read more
Upcoming 2013-14 Insurance Waiver Deadline
September 12 is the deadline for most fall and annual (full year) insurance waivers, including waivers based on private or U.S. employer insurance. Students may request an insurance waiver if they are covered by an alternative insurance policy that meets the basic requirements of the UT Health Insurance Plan. Review… read more