With summer vacation almost here, you may be planning a trip home or to another international destination. We at International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) have set up several events and provided the basic guidelines to help you prepare for your travel. To Prepare for International Travel Attend one of… read more
Travel Signature Drive
Fall Travel Signature Drive
Winter travel plans outside of the country? Need a new travel signature before you go? The Travel Signature Drive is a great opportunity to stop by for a new signature on your I-20 or DS-2019. No appointment is necessary. As a reminder, travel signatures are valid for one year (six… read more
Traveling abroad during the summer? Don’t forget your travel signature!
Summer break is coming soon, so it’s time to start preparing for your international travel plans. If you are traveling internationally, don’t forget that you need a valid travel signature on your I-20 or DS-2019 in order to reenter the United States. If your travel signature will be expired upon… read more
Winter Break Travel Considerations
With the Winter Break soon upon us, we here at the International Office know that many of you may be travelling out of the country to home or for vacation. If you have any questions about travel, meet with your immigration advisor to get your travel signature or required immigration… read more
‘Tis the Season for Travel Signatures!
Students, are you planning to travel outside of the United States? As you begin thinking about your Thanksgiving and winter break plans, don’t forgot to obtain a travel signature if you plan to leave the United States. The travel validation signature can be found on page 3 of the I-20 and… read more
Traveling During Winter Break? Don’t Forget Your Travel Signature!
Thanksgiving and winter breaks are coming soon, so it’s time to start preparing for your travel plans! If you are traveling internationally, please don’t forget that you need a valid travel signature on your I-20 or DS-2019 in order to reenter the United States. The travel validation signature can be found… read more