Summer Conference and Desk Assistants APPLY NOW. Applications OPEN Friday, February 3 at noon and CLOSE Monday, February 13 at noon. Contact information:
Reminder: Check I-94 upon entry to the U.S.
If you traveled internationally over the winter break or anytime recently, please check your I-94 record to make sure that you were granted the correct status upon reentry into the U.S. You should do this every time you enter the U.S. in order to check that you are granted the… read more
Get involved on campus by joining the International Students Ad-Hoc Committee in the Senate of College Councils
If you are passionate about creating a welcoming, diverse environment at The University of Texas at Austin or have ideas about how to improve the academic experience for international students at UT, there’s a new opportunity for you to get involved. The Senate of College Councils is launching an International… read more
Looking for an Opportunity to Engage on Campus? Check out the Texas Leadership Summit!
The Leadership and Ethics Institute is hosting a free conference on Saturday, February 11th for all undergraduate and graduate students at UT Austin. International students are encouraged to participate! The Texas Leadership Summit will help students to identify and improve leadership competences and practices for use in the workplace and… read more
Winter Break Health and Safety
Whether you’ll be travelling for the holidays or “stay-cationing” here in Austin, keep the following tips in mind this Winter Break: Remember to keep your insurance card with you at ALL times. Fill your prescriptions before leaving for vacation so you don’t run out unexpectedly. Know where to seek care for… read more
ITIN Appointments Reopened
The International Office is happy to announce that ITIN appointments have been reopened! After much contact with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the government agency that processes the ITIN applications, it was determined that a “procedural discrepancy” was the cause of all of our rejected ITIN applications. Appointments for ITIN… read more
A Thanksgiving Day Deal
This post is a part of our International Voices column, written by international UT students & staff, for UT students & staff. Are we confused how to spend tonight? If only they named the joyous day. For all the things there are to save, We spend thriftily on things to… read more
Upcoming Insurance Deadlines
Please be aware of the following insurance deadlines coming up on 2/2/2017. Note: if you would like your documents processed before the Winter Break, the recommended deadline is 12/12/16. Spring waiver deadline for graduate students with staff insurance through a TA/AI/GRA assignment The student health insurance is included automatically on all… read more
End of Semester Countdown: Top 5 Survival Tips
Are you stressed thinking of what you have to get done before the semester ends? As students know best, finals can be mentally and physically hard on the body. Provided below is a 5-tip countdown to help you reduce stress and dominate these last weeks! Tip # 5: Fuel Up… read more
Last day to withdraw or drop a course this fall (graduate and law students) – December 5, 2016
With the required approvals, Monday, December 5, 2016, is the last day a graduate student or a law student may withdraw from the university or drop a class. If you want to drop a class or withdraw, please also remember how this could impact your immigration status. All F-1 and… read more