As part of Public Health Week 2015, the student organization Texas Public Health will be putting on an exciting Global Health Night, this Wednesday at 6pm!
Is Nutrition Important?
The answer is YES! As tempting as frozen pizza can be, you obtain major health benefits by feeding your body and brain with nutritious foods. And it’s not about just about eating your vegetables. Here are a few tips: Learn about nutrition! Watch a “nutrition 101” video from Brainpop and learn how… read more
Spring Break Health & Safety
This Spring Break, keep the following tips in mind: Always keep your insurance card with you. Fill your prescriptions before leaving for vacation. Know where to seek care for different medical needs. For severe or potentially life-threatening emergencies, call 911 or go to a local hospital emergency room. For conditions or… read more
The Women’s Health Clinic at UHS
Did you know that University Health Services includes a full-service Women’s Health Clinic? The clinic offers annual exams and many more services by appointment Monday-Friday in the SSB. Most insurance plans are accepted, and if you have the UT student health insurance plan, IT’S FREE!
Sleep Awareness Week 2015
Getting enough sleep can be difficult on a busy student schedule, but sleep is essential for optimal brain performance. National Sleep Foundation has released a great interactive tool to help you design your bedroom for restful sleep using all 5 senses!
Getting FIT at UT Austin
As a UT student, it can be hard stay fit with all the demands on your time! Here are a few tips for working physical activity into your busy schedule: First things first, use UT REC SPORTS! It’s a great way to have fun and be fit! RecSports has activities… read more
Health Literacy- What Do YOU Think?
Have you ever been confused or surprised by the system of healthcare and insurance in the U.S.? If so, we need YOUR help! The IO is collaborating with the Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations on research to understand international student health literacy. Please consider taking a… read more
Mental Health Tip: Short Breaks Equal Major Benefits
Don’t be afraid to take a quick breather from your studies! Why? Surprisingly, breaks can be beneficial for your grades. If you’re a daydreamer, you’re in luck! A study done by UT’s Psychology Department showed that daydreaming helped with recalling memories and information. Tip: Try daydreaming about topics you are… read more
Pre-Thanksgiving Healthy Eating Tips
While Thanksgiving may not be the healthiest eating day of the year, it is a good reminder of our close relationship with food! As a student, it’s easy to forget how much eating habits can affect mood, performance, and overall health. Here are a few tips for positive, mindful eating:… read more
Quick Guide: Cold, Flu, and Allergies
While Americans like to think chicken soup can treat any ailment, sometimes you need a little more than this time-honored remedy. Read on for some tips to prevent and manage symptoms of the flu, common cold, and seasonal allergies. Cold/Flu: Prevention is the Best Medicine Don’t Forget Your Flu Shot! Flu… read more